Last updated at Tue, 17 Oct 2023 15:53:15 GMT

在过去的十年中,云计算已经发展成为现代商业运作的基石. Its flexibility, scalability, 效率重塑了产业,带来了前所未有的机遇.

However, 这种转变伴随着挑战——最明显的是与云安全相关的挑战. 我们新的云安全网络研讨会系列将探讨云安全的动态景观, unveiling key trends, pinpointing critical challenges, and providing actionable insights tailored to security professionals.

In Commanding Cloud Strategies, the first webinar of the series, Rapid7的首席安全官Jaya Baloo和其他专家将分享他们对安全领导者面临的云挑战的看法,并就如何克服这些挑战提供见解.

Please register 阅读我们云安全系列的第一集,了解我们的安全专家认为克服这些挑战和注意事项的最佳策略.

Armed with the knowledge and insights provided in part-one, 安全专业人员将更好地在现代数字环境中保护他们的云环境和数据资产.

To learn more, check out the webinar abstract below.

Commanding Cloud Strategies Webinar Abstract

在不断发展的云安全世界中,保持领先地位至关重要. Over the past ten years, several trends have emerged, shaping how organizations safeguard their digital assets.

The shift towards a shared responsibility model, greater emphasis on automation and orchestration, 对身份和访问管理(IAM)的日益关注是定义趋势之一.

Cloud Security Challenges

  • Data Privacy and Compliance: 确保云环境中的数据保护和法规遵从性是一个持续的挑战. 随着数据变得更具移动性和多样性,维护遵从性变得越来越复杂.
  • Evolving Threat Landscape: The threat landscape is in constant flux, 随着针对云基础设施和应用程序的网络攻击越来越复杂. 安全专业人员必须适应这种不断变化的环境,以保证组织的安全.

Considerations in Cloud Security

  • Scalable Security Architecture: 大型企业必须设计既可扩展又灵活的安全架构,以适应不断发展的云基础设施和工作负载需求. The ability to scale security measures efficiently is crucial.
  • Identity and Access Management (IAM): 考虑到大型组织中错综复杂的用户角色和权限网络, effective IAM is essential. 组织应该优先考虑在维护安全的同时简化访问的IAM解决方案.

Understanding Risk

Understanding cybersecurity risk is at the heart of cloud security. 有效的风险评估和缓解包括评估可能危及组织数字资产和信息安全的内部和外部策略. 我们的安全专家将在会议中深入研究这一关键领域的核心挑战和考虑因素.

Challenges in Understanding Risk

  • Complexity of Cloud Ecosystems: 成功的组织通常运行复杂的云生态系统,其中包含许多相互连接的服务和平台. Navigating this complexity while assessing risk can be daunting.
  • Lack of Skilled Cybersecurity Personnel: 对能够分析和管理云安全风险的更熟练的网络安全专业人员的需求是一个广泛的挑战. Organizations must find and retain the right talent to stay secure.

Considerations for Understanding Risk

  • Risk Assessment and Prioritization: 组织应根据其潜在影响和可能性优先识别和评估云安全风险. 有效的风险评估工具和威胁建模可以在这方面提供帮助.
  • Continuous Monitoring and Response: Establishing a robust, real-time monitoring system is essential. 它允许组织持续评估云环境中的安全事件,并迅速响应新出现的威胁. 集成安全信息和事件管理(SIEM)和DevSecOps实践可以增强这种能力.

Threat Intelligence

In cloud security, 威胁情报是在潜在威胁和漏洞之前保持领先一步的关键. Effective threat intelligence involves collecting, analyzing, 及时传播信息,主动保护云环境和数据资产.

Challenges in Threat Intelligence

  • Data Overload and False Positives: 组织生成大量的安全数据,包括威胁情报馈送. 管理这些数据可能导致数据过载和误报,从而导致警报疲劳.
  • Integration and Compatibility: 将威胁情报馈送集成到现有的安全基础设施中可能很复杂, as different sources may use varying formats and standards.

Considerations in Threat Intelligence

  • Customization and Contextualization: To make threat intelligence actionable, organizations should customize it to their specific cloud environments, industry, and business context. 定制的警报规则和威胁搜索工作流可以提高效率.
  • Sharing and Collaboration: Collaborating with industry peers, Information Sharing and Analysis Centers (ISACs), 政府机构的威胁情报共享可以提供有价值的见解,以新兴的威胁,具体到行业.

Security Capabilities

云安全功能包括理解不断变化的风险的能力, establish benchmark standards, and take immediate, informed actions to safeguard cloud environments and data assets effectively. 网络研讨会的最后一个主题将探讨构建健壮的安全功能的核心挑战和注意事项.

Challenges in Security Capabilities

  • Resource Allocation and Prioritization: 在庞大的云环境中有效地分配资源可能具有挑战性, 导致难以确定安全工作的优先次序和确保关键领域得到必要的关注和投资.
  • Complexity of Hybrid and Multi-Cloud Environments: 当组织在混合云或多云环境中运行时,管理安全功能变得特别具有挑战性. 确保跨不同平台和提供商的一致的安全实践和策略需要专门的专业知识.

Considerations in Security Capabilities

  • Integrated Security Ecosystem: 组织应该努力创建一个集成了各种安全工具的安全生态系统, technologies, and processes to provide a comprehensive view of their cloud environment.
  • Scalability and Elasticity: 云安全功能的设计应该能够扩展和适应组织不断发展的云基础设施和工作负载. This includes automated resource scaling and continuous security testing.